Thanks to everyone for auditioning!  I was quite impressed by the strength of the audition - so impressed that I increased the size of the cast to use more people.  The first rehearsal will be next Tuesday, September 2, from 3:45 -5:45 PM in the auditorium.  If you can not make the first rehearsal, please let me know ahead of time.  Anyone who is interested in working backstage should come to this rehearsal as well.

Congratulations to everyone.  I can't wait to get started!

And now - the cast:


Chimoto-San (and Divine Wind Kurogo)........Jonathan Seale
Dr. Takashi Nagai........Justin Wright
Kayano (Nagai's Daughter)........Lacey Roller
Ichitaro Yamada........Jared Reitnauer

Kimono Kurogo
Midori (Nagai's Wife/Kimono Chorus Leader)........Julie Morton
Ayana (Yamada's Wife)........Katie Carlberg
Michi........Elizabeth Lange
Hisa........Caris Moor
Yuri........Sally Quattlebaum
Kiku........Laurel Martin
Ritsuko........Kelsey Goodman
Uiko........Holly Hammonds

Divine Wind Kurogo
Iwanaga (Divine Wind Chorus Leader)........Tim Hall
Okuma........Michael Vaughan
Umezu........Joseph Whidby
Shinji........Jordan Justice

Mompe Kurogo
Miyako (Mompe Chorus Leader)........Whitney Kessler
Sukejiro........Grayson Baird
Hama........Jennifer Cox
Kisai........Selena Jones
Fumi........Emily Albright
Ibaraki........Kaitlin Heath
Kozaki........Rachel Rozier