Here is 90% of the play, available online at Playscripts, Inc.

Audition Dates

Thursday, September 4
6:00-7:30 PM

- or -

Friday, September 5
3:45-5:15 PM

(You only need to come on one day!  If you cannot audition at one of these times, you may set up a Saturday audition with Mr. Strickland.)

Many roles available for students in grades 8 – 12.

There are no preparation requirements for this audition.  Come in comfortable clothes, ready to move!

This play is very physical – the audition will be as well. 

30 Reasons is extremely funny, so bring your
best comic talents with you.

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Audition Hint #1: It will REALLY help you to read the script ahead of time (see link above...)

Audition Hint #2: Energy, volume, physicality, and versatility are keys to the show.

Audition Hint #3: Part of the audition will be improvisational, yet based on the script.  See Hint #1.

Audition Hint #4:  There are more than 100 roles in this play.  Obviously, actors will play multiple roles.  Your chances of getting cast are quite good.  Getting the really fun roles, however...that depends on you!

Audition Hint #5:  Recruit your friends. 

Audition Hint #6: Please wear shoes in which you can move and audition well.  No bare feet!

Audition Hint #7: There are more than 30 good reasons to audition for this play...